‘Pollock’s She-Wolf (1943): Life—Literature—Art’
‘Homage to Dore Ashton’
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, 9
December 2015

‘Non-Mimetic “Imitations”: The Modernist Topos of Celtic Numismatic Copies’
‘The Eurasian Steppe as Contact Zone’
Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, January 2010
Afterward at Edinburgh College of Art, June 2010; and University of
Cambridge Department of History of Art, 6 May 2015

‘Form(alism), Function(alism) and the Wittgenstein House in the History of Art’
‘Wittgenstein, Art and Architecture’
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, October 2005

‘Jarry, Joyce, Duchamp in an Anastasian Illumination’
‘Anastasi’s Pataphysical Society: Jarry, Joyce, Duchamp, Cage’5
Slought Foundation, Philadelphia, December 2004

‘Marjorie Welish: Vexing the Diptych with Asymmetry’
‘Introducing Marjorie Welish’
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 5 April 2002

PANELS (selected)

‘Stephen Antonakos in His Own Words: Eight Readings’ (virtual
Allentown (Pennsylvania) Art Museum, August 30, 2020

‘Phong Bui and Friends on the Teaching of Meyer Schapiro (with Phong
Bui, David L. Craven, Carroll Janis)
M.F.A. Program in Art Criticism and Writing, School of Visual Arts, New York, December 2009

‘Modernism and Modernisms: A Case of Photography,’ organized by Jaroslav Anděl
Czech Center, New York, January 2008

‘Religion and the Arts: Abstract Painting’
(See Conference Panel Organized, 1992, below)
Talk on the foundations of early Western formalism to Chinese art educators
Center for U.S.-China Arts Exchange, Columbia University, New York, September 1980

‘Robert Smithson’s Earthworks’
Museum of the Southwest, Midland, Texas, 1974


‘Van Gogh 100: A Centenary Conference’
Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, 3-5 May, 1990
Planning and management of the major commemoration in the United
States; editing of papers [see Books]


‘Religion and the Arts’: Vatican conference at Fordham University, New York, 3-5 April, 1992
‘Abstract Painting’ (panel chair)


‘Convictions of Things Not Seen: A Change from Suprematism to
Constructivism in Russian Revolutionary Art’
[abbreviated version under Articles]
‘Art and Christianity in Revolutionary Times’: Art and Christianity Enquiry
(a Church of England agency) International Conference, Massachusetts
College of Art and Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston, 9-13 July 2012